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Land Revenue Systems in British India: Zamindari, Ryotwari and Mahalwari

Land Revenue Systems Before British Rule

  • Jagirs were alloted to Jagirdars
  • Zamindars sub-ordinate to Jagirdars

Zamindari System

  • Cornwallis : 1793 Permanent Settlement Act.
  • @Permanent Settlement System
  • Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Varanasi
  • Zamindars: Owners+ Right to collect rent
  • Rent divided into 11 parts
  • 1/11 to Zamindars
  • 10/11 to East India Company

Ryotwari System

  • Thomas Munro1820
  • Madras, Bombay, Assam, Coorg
  • Peasants : Owners
  • Revenue: Collected directly
  • Rates: 50% for dry land & 60 % for irrigated lands

Mahalwari System

  • 1833 Lord William Bentick.
  • Central province, North Western Frontier Province, Agra, Punjab, Gangetic Valley
  • Mahals-One or more villages
  • Owners : peasants
  • Revenue : collected by village committees. 

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