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New Directive Principles of State Policy

Which principle among the following was added to the Directive Principles of State Policy by the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution?

(a) Equal pay for equal work for both men and women

(b) Participation of workers in the management of industries

(c) Right to work, education and public assistance

(d) Securing living wage and human conditions of work to workers

Solution: (b) Participation of workers in the management of industries

The 42nd Amendment added new Directive Principles, viz Article 39A, Article 43A and Article 48A. 

Article 39 deals with healthy development of children
Article 39A deals with free legal aid to poor
Article 48A deals with protecting environment, forests and wildlife &
Article 43A deals with ‘Participation of workers in management of industries’.  

44th Constitutional Amendment Act
Article 38 : minimize inequalities

86th Amendment Act 2002
Article 45 : provide early childhood care

97th Amendment Act 
Article 43B : Cooperative socities

(a) Equal pay for equal work for both men and women

(b) Participation of workers in the management of industries

(c) Right to work, education and public assistance

(d) Securing living wage and human conditions of work to workers

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